Sponsored Children’s Project Interest Form

By filling out this form, you are letting our team know you are interested in helping a child in need attend school – thank you! To keep in touch with you about your child’s progress and your financial support, we will need accurate contact information.


Contact Information

Sponsored Child Preferences

We do our best to match sponsors (like you!) with children they wish to and are financially able to help. Some information about the current cost of sponsorship to keep in mind:

Kindergarten – $60
Elementary School – 1st to 6th grade ($75)
Middle School – 7th to 9th grade ($90)
High School – 10th to 12th grade ($120)

While we can’t guarantee a match, if you have a preference regarding the age and gender of your sponsored child, please indicate below:

Financial Support

Because of the personal connection we build between each sponsor and their child in need, nearly 20% of our sponsors help more than one child (sibling pairs for example!).

If you are able to sponsor more than one child, how many children would you like to sponsor?

Thank you for taking the time to fill out our form!